1. Factors influencing the retention of participants in online cancer screening training programs in India
Kavitha Dhanasekaran 1, Roshani Babu 2, Vipin Kumar 1, Shalini Singh 2, Roopa Hariprasad 3 | DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02144-y
2. Leveraging Technology for Nation-Wide Training of Healthcare Professionals in Cancer Screening in India: a Methods Article
Babu R1, Dhanasekaran K2, Mehrotra R1, Hariprasad R3. Leveraging Technology for Nation-Wide Training of Healthcare Professionals in Cancer Screening in India: a Methods Article. DOI: 10.1007/s13187-020-01720-6 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32130665/
3. Capacity Building of Gynecologists in Cancer Screening Through Hybrid Training Approach
Kavitha Dhanasekaran, Roshni Babu, Vipin Kumar, Ravi Mehrotra, Roopa Hariprasad Capacity Building of Gynecologists in Cancer Screening Through Hybrid Training Approach https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-019-01589-0
4. Project ECHO: a Potential Best-Practice Tool for Training Healthcare Providers in Oral Cancer Screening and Tobacco Cessation
Nethan S, Hariprasad R, Babu R, Kumar V, Sharma S & Mehrotra R. Project ECHO: a Potential Best-Practice Tool for Training Healthcare Providers in Oral Cancer Screening and Tobacco Cessation. Journal of Cancer Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-019-01549-8
5. Retention of Knowledge Levels of Health Care Providers in Cancer Screening Through Telementoring
Hariprasad R, Arora S, Babu R, Sriram L, Sardana S, Hanumappa S, Mehrotra R. Retention of Knowledge Levels of Health Care Providers in Cancer Screening Through Telementoring. J Glob Oncol. 2018 Jul;(4):1-7.
6. Opportunistic cervical cancer screening of women visitors at a trade fair in India
Hariprasad R, Sodhani P, Gupta S, Sriram L, Saraf D, Bodat S, Kumar R, Rajaraman P, Mehrotra R. Opportunistic cervical cancer screening of women visitors at a trade fair in New Delhi. Indian J Med Res 145, January 2017, pp 144-1
7. Role of Accredited Social Health Activists in Cancer Screening in India: Brightest ‘Ray of Hope’.
Hariprasad R, Mehrotra R. Role of accredited social health activists (ASHAs) in cancer screening in India: brightest ‘Ray of hope’ Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016; 17(7):3659-60. READ MORE