Online Cancer Screening Training Program for Healthcare Providers in Africa (CSTP-A)
(29 March 2022 to 7 June 2022)
Course Information:
ICMR and African Union Scientific Technical Research Commission (AU-STRC) are jointly conducting this online training program for healthcare providers from Africa. In African countries, we have huge burden of cervical cancer. Healthcare providers are entrusted in screening for cervical cancer remotely and manage the cases and are also expected to counsel and create awareness within the communities. This course will enlighten the participants on all the following aspects.
Epidemiology and risk factors for cervical cancer, screening, diagnosis, colposcopy examination and management of cervical precancer/cancer.
Focus Area: Cervical cancer screening, diagnosis and management of screen test positive individuals.
Format of Program – Duration, Frequency and Schedule:
Duration: 12 weeks, 1 hour (3-4pm)
Frequency: Once a week
Schedule: 29th March 2022 to 14thth June 2022
1 week before the first session of the training program – Pre-training evaluation quiz (MANDATORY)
1 week before the first session – Orientation on the usage of iECHO & ECHO etiquettes
Module Session details:
Didactics by Expert – 20 to 25 min
Q&A – upto 10 -15 min
Case discussions by Spokes
Pre & post session quiz(MANDATORY)
Post-training evaluation quiz (MANDATORY)
Knowledge gain about cervical cancer screening, diagnosis and management of precancer and cancer will be assessed by pre & post training evaluation surveys and pre & post module quizes. Spoke is required to attain a score of atleast 50% aggregate.
Change in attitudes & practice assessed through pre & post training evaluation surveys and pre and post module quizzes
Healthcare providers trained in cervical cancer screening in order to implement cancer screening at their health facility.(Indicator- start of cervical cancer screening/ increase in the number of screening)
The gain in knowledge in cervical cancer screening(Indicator- pre/post training evaluation survey & pre/post module quizes)
Implementation of cancer screening in their respective centres(Survey post 6 months of completion of the course)
Certificate of Course Completion from ICMR-NICPR.
Eligibility criteria:
Attend atleast 9 out of total 12 sessions
Atleast 1 case presentation (in any of the three modules)
Minimum 50% in each module and in the post-evaluation survey
Complete both pre & post training evaluation surveys