This comprehensive training course on cervical cancer screening shall cover a gamut of topics pertaining to cervical cancer – beginning from epidemiology and magnitude of the disease to screening strategies, with major focus on cytology-based screening. Detailed deliberations shall be held on the basic cytomorphologic features of a cervical smear – normal cells and their variations in inflammation, various infective organisms that can be detected in a cervical smear and cervical intraepithelial lesions encompassing squamous as well as glandular lesions. The didactic deliberations shall be amply supplemented by interactive virtual slide sessions giving the participants a feel of viewing a microscopic slide themselves. In addition, virtual live microscopy sessions shall be conducted to enhance the learning process. At the end of the course, the participants shall be familiar with the cytomorphological features of various cervical epithelial lesions and would be able to refine cytology-based cervical cancer screening in their own setups.
The course shall include didactic sessions interspersed with virtual microscopy sessions to give the participant pathologists a feel of hands-on microscopy and allow them a better understanding of the various moprhological features in a cervical smear. At the initiation of the course, a baseline udnerstanding of the existing knowledge on various topics to be covered shall be assessed through a pre-designed questionnaire. The enhancement of knwoledge of the participants shall be assessed at the end of the course with the same questionnaire delivered to them again. This shall help us in understanding the impact of the training course on the participating pathologists better.
Focus Area: Cytology-based Cervical Cancer Screening
Format of Program – Duration, Frequency and Schedule:
The course has been developed as an 18-session long course that would be delivered on twice-a-week basis. The sessions shall be held in the afternoon, 2.30-4.00 PM IST on Wednedays and Fridays.
The course is scheduled to begin on 23rd February 2022 and complete on 29th April 2022.
Evaluation plan:
The evaluation plan includes a comprehensive pre and post-course questionnaire-based assessment of the baseline knowledge and enhancement in the same after the course. In addition, a short questionnaire-based assessment shall be undertaken after each didactic session to evaluate the depth of understanding of each topic. The results of the pre and post-test shall be evaluated to identify the areas of improvement in the course structure.
The Course is expected to impart and augment knowledge and skills in cytology-based cervical cancer screening among pathologists across the country. This shall in turn improve the cervical cancer screening services in the country having a lasting impact on reducing the morbidity and mortality due to this disease The capacity building of cytopathologists in the field of cervial cytology assumes special relevance in the wake of “Call for Action” by WHO to eliminate cervical cancer by 2030.