Session No. | Date | Topic | Learning Objectives | Expert |
Sep 10, 2020 | Orientation | To learn about the usage of the ECHO Digital & Zoom apps, and ECHO session etiquettes. | ECHO India
Dr. Suzanne Nethan, NICPR-ECHO |
1 | Sep 17, 2020 | Introduction to cancer screening and the role of dentists in the national cancer screening program | 1. Burden of oral cancer: global & in India 2. Overview of types of cancer prevention 3. Screening & its types 4. An ideal screening program 5. National cancer screening program & the operational framework guidelines for oral cancer screening 6. Role of dentists in the national cancer screening program 7. Oral visual examination (extra & intraoral) 8. Referral linkages & mapping of the facilities |
Dr. Suzanne Nethan, MDS (Oral Medicine & Radiology- OMR), Consultant (Med) & Program Manager, NICPR-ECHO, Noida (India) |
2 | Sep 24, 2020 | Risk factors for Oral Cancer: Part 1 (Introduction, Human Papilloma Virus-HPV) | 1. What is a risk factor & types of risk factors in Non Communicable Diseases 2. Risk factors associated with oral cancer 3. HPV in oral lesions (focus on its carcinogenic potential): · Introduction about HPV: biology, incidence, prevalence · Role in benign oral lesions (overview) · Role in oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) · Role in oral cancer |
Prof Jerry Bouquot, MSD (Oral Pathology), Professor Emeritus, Diagnostic and Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas School of Dentistry, Houston (USA) Dr. Suzanne T. Nethan |
3 | Oct 01, 2020 | Risk factors for oral cancer: Part 2 (Smokeless tobacco-SLT & Areca nut-AN) | 1. Epidemiology of SLT & AN: Global & in India (adults, youth) 2. Types of SLT & AN products in India 3.Manufacturing & processing of SLT & AN products 4. Toxic agents/carcinogens in SLT & AN products 5. Adverse health effects of AN & health perception among individuals 6. AN addiction mechanism; evidence on AN cessation efforts 7. Research gaps & recommendations in SLT & AN control” |
Dr. Dhirendra Sinha,PhD, Chair,School of Preventive Oncology, Patna (India) |
4 | Oct 08, 2020 | Risk factors for oral cancer: Part 3 (Adverse effects of tobacco) | 1. Systemic effects 2. Local effects (orodental) 3. Health perception of tobacco use among individuals |
Dr. Sunira Chandra, MDS (OMR), Prof & Head, Oral Medicine & Radiology, In-charge Tobacco Cessation Centre, Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow (India) |
5 | Oct 15, 2020 | Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMDs) | 1. Old & new nomenclature 2. Clinical features of common OPMDs (leukoplakia, erythroplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, oral lichen planus, quid induced lichenoid lesion, smoker’s palate) & other tobacco-related lesions (tobacco pouch keratosis, tobacco induced melanosis) 3. Histopathological features of common OPMDs including grading of dysplasia 4. Management of OPMDs (focus on medical management & a brief on surgical management) |
Prof. Saman Warnakulasuriya, Emeritus Professor,Oral Medicine & Experimental Pathology, King’s College, London (UK) |
6 | Oct 22, 2020 | Oral cancer | 1. Pathophysiology of carcinogenesis 2. Clinical features of oral cancer 3. TNM staging for oral cancer 4. Histopathological features of oral cancer 5. Overview of treatment modalities for oral cancer (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) |
Dr. Raja Pramanik, DM, Assistant Professor, Medical Oncology, Dr. BRA-Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi (India) |
7 | Oct 29, 2020 | Advanced diagnostic aids for OPMDs & oral cancer | 1. Types of diagnostic aids 2. Vital staining techniques (Toluidine Blue, Lugol’s Iodine, Methylene Blue etc.) 3. Cytology-based tests (exfoliative cytology, brush biopsy etc.) 4. Biopsy (including punch biopsy) 5. Light-based devices 6. Others (immunohistochemistry, salivary markers, fluorescence etc) |
Dr. Shalini Gupta, MDS (OMR), Associate Professor, Oral Medicine & Radiology, Centre for Dental Education & Research-AIIMS, New Delhi (India) |
8 | Nov 05, 2020 | Breaking bad news & a brief on palliative care of oral cancer patients | 1. How to break the news of screen positive news 2. How to calm down the situation in case of adverse response to the diagnosis 3. Palliative care of oral cancer patients: an overview |
Dr. Apala Baduni, MDS (OMR), General Secretary, Ekohum Foundation, New Delhi (India) |
9 | Nov 11, 2020 | Infection control in a dental setting | 1. Understanding disease transmission 2. Standard Precautions 3. Disinfection and sterilization of instruments 4. Biomedical waste management |
Dr. Amrita John, MPH, Former Scientist C, Clinical Oncology, NICPR, Noida (India) |
10 | Nov 19, 2020 | Nicotine addiction | 1. Addiction mechanism of tobacco 2. Dependence scales 3. Benefits of quitting tobacco 4. Withdrawal symptoms & management 5. Biochemical confirmation of tobacco quit status 6. Setting up of a tobacco cessation facility: an overview 7. Role of dentists in tobacco cessation |
Dr. Preethy, DM resident, NDDTC, Ghaziabad |
11 | Nov 26, 2020 | Behavioral interventions for tobacco cessation | 1. Significance of behavioural intervention in tobacco cessation & various modes of behavioral interventions 2. 5As of tobacco cessation. 3. Very brief advice (3As) 4. Evidence of efficacy in smokers and SLT users in India & globally |
Dr. Aishwariya George, DM (Addiction Psychiatry), National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC) – AIIMS, Ghaziabad (India) |
12 | Dec 03, 2020 | Pharmacological intervention for tobacco cessation | 1. Nicotine replacement therapy 2. Other pharmacotherapeutic modalities 3. Evidence of efficacy in smokers and SLT users in India & globally |
Dr Dheeraj, DM (Addiction Psychiatry), National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC) – AIIMS, Ghaziabad (India)NDDTC |
13 | Dec 10, 2020 | Management of relapse | 1. To understand the significance of lapse and relapse in tobacco cessation. 2. To learn about the relapse prevention models. 3. To identify the high-risk situations associated with relapse. 4. To understand the intervention strategies for relapse prevention. |
Dr. Aishwariya George, DM (Addiction Psychiatry), NDDTC-AIIMS, Ghaziabad (India) |
14 | Dec 17, 2020 | Regulatory framework for tobacco control in India | 1. COTPA 2. WHO FCTC 3. National tobacco surveillance systems in India (GATS, GYTS, GHPSS, GSPS) 4. National Tobacco Control Program 5. Other relevant regulations & laws |
Dr. Amit Yadav, PhD, Senior Technical Adviser-Tobacco Control, The Union South-east Asia Office, New Delhi (India) |
15 | Dec 24, 2020 | Alcohol addiction and its management | 1. Alcohol addiction 2. Short term management of alcohol addiction 3. Long term management of alcohol addiction 4. Management of multi-substance users (tobacco, alcohol, others) |
Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, DNB (Psychiatry), Additional Professor, NDDTC & Deptt. of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi (India) |