MoHFW is in the process of rolling out population based cancer screening of cervical, breast and oral cancers in the primary health care system, under the NCD control program. Thus, every gynecologist is expected to know about cervical and breast cancer screening methods and their treatment modalities.
The training course will include cervical screening techniques such as VIA test, its interpretation and follow up, treatment modalities such as cryotherapy, LEEP, thermo-coagulation for non-malignant and CIN lesions and radical hysterectomy, radio and chemo therapy for malignant lesions.Breast cancer screening and treatment modalities such as self breast examination (SBE) and clinical breast examination (CBE), mastectomy: radical and modified, radio and chemotherapy as treatment modalities will also be dealt with. As per the operational framework document, cervical cancer screening will be done at PHCs by staff nurses/ANMs. The screening method used is VIA (Visual Inspection using Acetic acid). The abnormalities found on VIA will be referred for colposcopy to a gynaecologist at the nearest health facility (CHC/DH). Training gynaecologists in colposcopy and nurses/ANMs in VIA with well-equipped and functional health facilities are crucial to implementation of this initiative.