Course Information:
Cancer Screening Training Program for Healthcare Providers at PHC Level (CSTP-Batch 16) (02 August, 2022 to 15 November, 2022)
MoHFW has recently mandated a population-based cancer screening in the country for three preventable cancers of oral, breast and that of uterine cervix, under the National NCD Control Program. Once implemented, cancer services will be available in all health facilities across all the states and Union territories of India. The exercise will be carried out by existing health care professionals. Thus, it is imperative that all health care providers are well versed with the national guidelines and screening modalities of cancer screening in the nation.
As per the Operational Framework for the Management of Common Cancers, screening of oral, breast and cervical cancers will be done at PHCs/ SHCs by staff nurses & ANMs. These will be confirmed by the medical officers at the PHCs and the screen positives will then be referred to higher facilities (CHCs/DHs) in the vicinity for further management and treatment. Thus, it is absolutely essential that all health care professional have thorough knowledge about screening, the guidelines for screening, the screening modalities and the procedures and techniques used for the same, as per the Operational Framework.
The training course will provide a basic understanding of cancer screening for three preventable cancers viz. oral, breast and the cervix. All the tests to screen for these three cancers will be dealt in great detail.
VIA test for cervical cancer will be discussed in-depth followed by its evaluation/ interpretation for effective management of screen positives.
Breast cancer screening and its modalities such as self-breast examination (SBE) and clinical breast examination (CBE) and management of benign and malignant lesions of the breast will be taught, so that screening for breast cancer will eventually reduce the burden of breast cancer in India.
Employing oral visual examination (OVE) to screen for oral cancer to reduce its burden in our country, where smokeless tobacco use is almost 85% of the world, will be dealt with along with tobacco cessation/ counseling.